El pasado miércoles 17 de enero, el alumnado de 1º BACHILLERATO, 4ºESO y 3º BRIT tuvo la suerte de asistir al taller sobre ‘Estereotipos, prejuicios y desigualdad’ impartido por Madara de la organización Youth For Understanding, dentro del programa Coloured Glasses de la misma. Un placer haber contado con la genial ponente Madara.” #youthforunderstanding #educacionporlatolerancia …
Etiqueta: Inglés
Nov 09
Reunión informativa English Week
Queridas familias de 1º y 2º de ESO, Desde el departamento de inglés del IES Fernando Lázaro Carreter queremos convocaros a una reunión informativa sobre la propuesta de actividad extraescolar “English Week” que se ha pensado para la última semana de mayo, del 27 al 31 en Tossa de Mar. Dicha reunión será en nuestro salón de actos el …
Mar 24
Winners of Spelling Bee
Congratulations to Xenia Simón and Miguel Lalueza, the winners of our I Spelling Bee and those who will represent our school in the autonomic contest in Zaragoza the next 29th March at the aquarium. Practice hard and… Good luck! #spellingisfun #spellingbee #spellingbee #morethanteaching #EducaciónDeCalidad #BRITAragon @carleearagon
Mar 03
First Spelling Bee Contest
Dear BRIT student’s families: We’re glad to invite you to the first Spelling Bee Contest at the Fernando Lázaro Carreter Secondary School!The competition will take place next Friday 17th March at the school hall.Please, come to visit us and cheer for the students! The two winners will represent us in the main competition in Zaragoza, next 29th …
Mar 03
Death by Haircut
Our hall is ready to receive all the groups coming to watch the theatre play “Death by Haircut” We can’t wait to see what it is about and practice our oral comprehension through a fun enriching activity.Leave a comment to tell us what you think about it if you already saw the play! Nuestro salón de …
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